Thursday, May 4, 2017

May The 4th 2017

Happy Star Wars Day! May-The-4th 2017!

Hope your day is happier than a Hutt at a Las Vegas buffet!

So did Darth Vader ever remarry after the death of Padme? The rumor is he did. Her name was Ella.

Ouch! Ella Vader is a bad one, but maybe we can be forgiven on Star Wars Day!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

United Becoming Untied

We know this:
The next time they ask for volunteers, you’re going to see people move faster than the babysitter’s boyfriend when the car pulls up.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Two Men Who Kept Hillary From Being President

When Donald Trump met with Barack Obama, it was the meeting of the two men most responsible for Hillary Clinton not becoming president of the United States, at least for the foreseeable future. Remember, there is nothing like the second chance in American political life…just ask Richard Nixon who said they wouldn’t have him to kick around anymore after he lost an election. Even Obama bounced back after losing an election, so you never know what will happen.

As the two shook hands, most saw them as rivals, but they have more in common than people might want to realize.

What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common? It’s not like the Kennedy-Lincoln list, but it is fascinating:

Both ran for president as outsiders.

Both campaigned as agents of drastic change.

Both broke new ground in using Social Media in their campaigns.

Both launched their primary campaigns at the end of the second terms of their predecessors.

And both beat Hillary Clinton to get there.

Hillary Clinton probably realized it.

Bill Clinton probably did, too.

But the first handshake between “O” and “The Donald” was the meeting of the two people who kept Hillary from the most coveted office in the land.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Russian Hackers Disrupt New Years

Singers have lip synced for years but sometimes it becomes obvious at the worst possible time (remember Beyoncé lip syncing through Obama's inauguration?).

But as 2016 gasped its final seconds, including its very last leap second, the country was subjected to a new national nightmare.

Whether it was a publicity grabbing event by either side or just another 2016 SNAFU, the event can be blamed on the cause-de-jour - Russian Hacking!

Those dread Russian Hackers, led by their Dobby look alike Vlad The Impaler-Emailer Putin.

Could it be? Stay tuned to the WikiLeaks in 6 months to find out what really went down behind the scenes.