Thursday, March 25, 2021

A News Conference? Or A Multi-Panel Interview


March 25, 2021 - A date where President Joe Biden broke a record. The 64th day of being president with no press conferences. 

It was hardly a press briefing. It was more a brief press statement. With lots of pages of notes. But in another historic first, it was the president who had the notes, not the intrepid reporters.

According to The Hill, here are the news organizations that got to ask a question or two. 

Zeke Miller, Associated Press (president of the White House Correspondents Association)

One question and one follow-up question. 

Yamiche Alcindor, PBS NewsHour.

One question and one follow-up question. 

Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post  - One question.

Cecilia Vega, ABC

One question, two follow-up questions.

Ken Thomas, The Wall Street Journal.

One question, one follow-up question.

Kristen Welker, NBC

One question, five follow-up questions.

Nancy Cordes, CBS

One question, three follow-up questions.

Kaitlan Collins, CNN 

One question, four follow-up questions.

Justin Sink, Bloomberg

Janet Rodriguez, Univision

One question, two follow-up questions.

The most notable news organizations that the President didn't take to not call on included The New York Times and Fox News.